Czech-Austrian Center for Supracellular Medical Research

The aim of this cross-border cooperation is the establishment of a medical technology center. This will enable new and application-oriented research to produce organ-like carrier structures in the field of biotechnology - with a special focus on tissue engineering - and, in the long run, to establish a collaborative network between the institutions involved. Using structuring techniques on the Austrian side, and nanoscopic and macroscopic analysis techniques on the Czech side, model systems will be developed that allow the examination of biological tissue and their behaviour. The first application example is the production of a three-dimensional model system for a blood vessel, which enables research into the buildup mechanisms, the reaction to various substances (e.g. cholesterol and glucose) and their stimulation within a blood vessel. This will enable further research into the emergence and development of arteriosclerosis and serve metabolism analyses across the blood-brain barrier. Monitoring of the artificially created vascular system populated with biological cells is planned, and/or monitoring their reactions to different conditions and creating a model system for the formation of so-called plaques (vascular occlusions due to cellular and biomolecular deposits). The model also allows the study of the blood-brain barrier in view of the transport of pathogenic viruses, e.g. the trigger of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). The knowledge gained in the field of lithographic structuring in the course of the generation of the vessels on the one hand, and biomolecular analysis at the nanometer scale on the other, offers the potential for Austria and the Czech Republic to participate in a unique and promising future-oriented technology in the field of biosensor technology. Surfaces produced here can be used in a variety of molecular sensors (e.g. pregnancy tests, protein chips, etc), as well as in the manufacture of 3D cell support structures that can be used for stimulated cell differentiation (artificial organs, individualised implant and prosthesis research). Another important focus is the improvement of the working and educational conditions of the participating institutions in the region. Prospects for cross-border education and top-notch research are among the advantages, as well as measures to facilitate the mobility of highly qualified employees and students and their supra-regional exchange of knowledge.

Datum 1. 10. 2016 - 30. 9. 2019
Země AT
Organizace Odborná vysoká škola Horní Rakousko – kampus Linec
Rámec a program financování EFRR 2014-2021 EÚS, Interreg BY-CZ

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