The E-ADAPT project focuses on the topic of Europeanization of policy in the Czech Republic. Europeanization is approached through the concept of adaptation at the normative, institutional and social level. The core activities within the project include empirical research of the Europeanization of public policies in the Czech Republic, complemented by the reflection of the concepts of Europeanization and adaptation in relation to their applicability as a framework of empirical analysis in a relatively new member state like the Czech Republic. Innovative research design will be set up and used to carry out empirical research of Europeanization in the area of core vauels of the European Union, environmental policy, economic and monetary policy and foreign policy. The research activities will be published in the form of academic journal articles and collective monograph. Team members will disseminate the results within the international academic community through participation at international conferences and organization of a workshop series and an international conference. The project also envisages organizing a series of events designed to meeting between project team members, policy makers and local stakeholders. Several events for general public will be arranged aiming at dissemination the knowledge about European Union policies impact on the domestic (Czech) policies in the fields of regional development and foreign policy. E-ADAPT project is also aimed at the innovations of teaching in the field of European studies at the University of West Bohemia. Two new e-learning courses will be created (for University staff, secondary school students and general public). Given the wide range of activities, E-ADAPT represents a major step in establishing the University of West Bohemia as one of the leading centres of European public policy research and its impact at the national, regional and local level.
1. 9. 2020 - 31. 8. 2023 |
CZ |
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni |
Faculty of Law |
EACEA, Erasmus+ |