Getting at the Heart of Things: Towards Expressivity-aware Computer Systems in Music

What makes music so important, what can make a performance so special and stirring? It is the things the music expresses, the emotions it induces, the associations it evokes, the drama and characters it portrays. The sources of this expressivity are manifold: the music itself, its structure, orchestration, personal associations, social settings, but also – and very importantly – the act of performance, the interpretation and expressive intentions made explicit by the musicians through nuances in timing, dynamics etc. Thanks to research in fields like Music Information Research (MIR), computers can do many useful things with music, from beat and rhythm detection to song identification and tracking. However, they are still far from grasping the essence of music: they cannot tell whether a performance expresses playfulness or ennui, solemnity or gaiety, determination or uncertainty; they cannot produce music with a desired expressive quality; they cannot interact with human musicians in a truly musical way, recognising and responding to the expressive intentions implied in their playing.

Datum 1. 1. 2016 - 31. 12. 2021
Země AT
Organizace Univerzita Johannese Keplera Linec
V rámci projektu Institute of Computational Perception
Rámec a program financování H2020, ERC-ADG-2014 - ERC Advanced Grant

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