Project ISEM aims to develop an online monitor, which serves as a tool for companies to evaluate their own Industrial Service Excellence and to provide recommendations for action and improvement. Thereby, we show companies potential ways to achieve Industrial Service Excellence. In the course of the project, measures for service excellence will be defined and best practice solutions for Industrial Service Excellence will be developed. The online monitor will be developed and evaluated on a scientific basis using qualitative as well as quantitative studies. An Industrial Service Excellence database will be set up and filled for all Interreg regions. Moreover, an adaptation of the monitor for non-Interreg regions will be conducted. A concept for dynamizing the monitor beyond the project duration is being developed. Also, ten SMEs are supported implementing actions to reach Industrial Service Excellence.
1. 3. 2016 - 28. 2. 2019 |
AT |
Odborná vysoká škola Horní Rakousko – kampus Steyr |
Fakulta ekonomie a managementu Styr a Research Center Styr |
www.ise-monitor.eu |
EFRR 2014-2021 EÚS, Interreg BY-AUT |