Integrované mentální modely kulturně historických dat

Towards Integrated Mental Models of Cultural Heritage Data International databases offer public web access to growing volumes of multidimensional, temporal cultural heritage data ( Interfaces so far focus on selected dimensions (e.g. geo + temporal only), do not engage non-expert users, and do not sufficiently support the integrated exploration & cognitive elaboration of cultural heritage collections. Against this background our aims are to develop new Visual Analytics methods and empirically test their effectiveness to support the synoptic visual exploration, as well as integrated learning and reasoning of casusal users in the realm of cultural heritage data. To reach this goal we apply a cognitively-grounded concept and method development process to innovatively integrate Visual Analytics methods for temporal, multidimensional data – and make use of methods especially suited for serving synoptic tasks and constructing integrated mental models. According to current research, the Visual Analytics method of the Space-Time Cube shows specific potential to a) gain integrated insights and overview on complex or combinatorial tasks, or multidimensional data constellations. Another strength is the conceptual integration and navigation between different (other) methods of dynamic (information) visualization – especially in combination with multiple linked (2D) views which can cover less complex analytical tasks. Furthermore, it has been shown that the three-dimensional shapes of the Space-Time Cube engage and attract casual users – whose specific needs in this context have to be systematically taken into account. By a series of experiments we will empirically explore and test the effectiveness of the proposed visual analytical methods to support the construction of integrated mental models. To pursue this goal, a combined quantitative (eye tracking, questionnaires, obervations) and qualitative (think-aloud, interviews, obervations, relational insight organizer) research design will deliver new insights into the cognitive processes of casual data explorers. By systematically intertwining and developing Cognitive Science and Visual Analytics methods we expect the project to contribute to the field of Visual Analytics with a cognitively grounded concept and methods development process, new ways to integrate VA methods, and with new knowledge on the workings of mental models within casual users. In doing so, the project is expected to additionally develop new perspectives for the fields of Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage Visualization.

Země AT
Organizace Podunajská univerzita Krems
V rámci projektu Oddělení managementu poznatků a komunikace
Rámec a program financování Fond na podporu vědeckého výzkumu FWF, Jednotlivé projekty

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