The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) Media Arts Cultures, or EMJMD MediaAC, is a 120 ECTS, two-year (four semesters) graduate programme taught in English that addresses the needs of the evolving fields related to the futures and histories of Media Art. The joint degree (Master of Arts in Media Arts Cultures) is delivered by a consortium of four leading universities in the field, including three in Europe and one in Asia: Danube University Krems, Aalborg University, University of Lodz, and Lasalle College of the Arts. Graduates are awarded a joint master degree by the three European universities. Our global digital world is filled with new media culture that encompasses the most important questions of today, such as: big data, cultural globalization, economic virtualization, identity computability, neuroscience ethics, population migration, and surveillance society. Thus, analysis of the media arts can enlighten socio-cultural issues. In addition, the critical examination not only of contemporary Media Art but also of its historical forms may offer technological insights that––while left behind in the ever-changing technology standardization process––prove vital both to cultural practitioners in the creative economy as well as to high-tech sectors as engineers or programmers invent the next generation of hardware and software. But Media Art is especially vulnerable to decay. And as media evolution constantly accelerates, the latest technologies rapidly become out-dated and even unusable. With the EMJMD MediaAC programme, students uniquely receive both internationally-advanced theoretical as well as practical knowledge in the Media Arts, through a singular combination of pedagogical foci, trans-disciplinary approaches, and critical thinking in connection to the needs of both academic and non-academic stakeholders. Graduates of the EMJMD MediaAC, therefore, are highly employable and have great potential for innovating the future. MediaAC begins in Austria with a foundational semester taught by world-leading experts in the field of Media Art, with academic subjects addressing the histories and theory of digital cultural heritage as well as its digital archiving and preservation. The programme continues in Denmark with problem-based learning as students work on projects that result in a tangible product. Student internships are then jointly organized with internationally relevant Associated Partners. And in Singapore, students have the option for independent studies with an emphasis on idea generation. The third semester in Poland deeply explores the specific issues for contemporary media, fostering cutting-edge analysis and interpretation that graduates can employ in real-world situations across the cultural and creative sector. The Master’s Thesis semester can then be completed at any of the four partner sites. Special emphasis is given to transferable skills (i.e., research methods, presentation competencies, language and leadership) that provide students the basis for professional work in today’s digital economy.
AT |
Podunajská univerzita Krems |
Centrum vizuálních věd |
www.mediaartscultures.eu |
Erasmus+, KA1 - Erasmus Mundus |