Institutions in higher education, research and innovation play a central role for the advancement of societies and economies. They foster economic growth, strengthen technological progress and enhance job creation. In addition, higher education institutions contribute to personal development of individuals and help to educate proactive citizens in societies. In order to achieve the best possible results these institutions require modern and effective management.Therefore, the Master in Research and Innovation in Higher Education (MARIHE) focuses on the management of higher education, research and innovation institutions. MARIHE trains students to be change agents that can take the lead in developing these institutions, can critically assess and employ managerial instruments and can turn policy advice into strategic management practice. At the same time they are ready to formulate agendas and policies for the advancement of research, innovation and entrepreneurship. Graduates of MARIHE are equipped to work as managers, development experts, policy makers, analysts, researchers and consultants in HE, research and innovation institutions, as well as for private companies, in public administration, international organisations and NGOs. They also can move on to PHD studies for an academic career.MARIHE is a four semester master programme of 120 ECTS credits. It is jointly offered by six partners from Europe and Asia: Danube University Krems in Austria (coordinator), University of Tampere in Finland, Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences in Germany, Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary, Beijing Normal University in China and Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology (deemed to be University) in India. For offering a truly global perspective the consortium includes as academic associated partners universities from USA, Uganda, Mozambique and Brazil. The consortium further includes a strong network of associated partners that are well-known international and national organisations, research centres or consulting companies involved with higher education, research and innovation sectors. This global network will provide multiple opportunities for students regarding studies, research and employability.MARIHE students spend the 1st semester in Austria and the 2nd semester in Finland. They attend an internship at well-known organisations in higher education, research and innovation, providing them with the opportunity to gain experience in a real work setting. For the two-month study-trip to Asia, students can choose to join the partners in either China or India. For the specialisation part, students return to Europe and choose between the specialisations “Research and Innovation” (Finland), “Leadership and Management” (Germany), “Institutional Research” (Austria) and “Learning and Teaching” (Hungary). Depending on the chosen specialisation, graduates will receive a joint degree or a double degree.More information: www.marihe.eu
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Podunajská univerzita Krems |
www.marihe.eu |
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