Social Inclusion and Energy Management for Informal Urban Settlements (SES)

SES helps Ethiopian cities to solve problems related to housing poor urban communities by supporting these communities rather than evicting them from their informal settlements. It aims at improving poor residents’ security in housing and their access to energy needs ranging from sustainable energy systems through to the management of energy efficiency. Consequently this project has an impact on reducing the number of refugees coming to Europe.The project introduces a holistic approach in Ethiopian HEI’s existing academic programs for future urban developers and energy managers as well as educating key personnel in local authorities.SES will develop new courses for architects, planners and engineers based on specific case studies undertaken in 3 target regions. Courses will be offered at undergraduate and master level, but also external training as stakeholder training and dissemination workshops. Experiences gained in these courses will be integrated into the curricula of the partner HEIs, which will be approved by their senates and accreditation will be sought. Students will acquire up-to-date knowledge in the socially highly relevant field of informal settlements and their energy management as well as the sustainable management of such projects. Thereby, students will improve their employability. HEIs will sharpen their education and research profile in this field and strengthen their ties with engaged stakeholders (local and regional authorities, national housing authorities, local NGOs, local communities). Municipalities, local and regional authorities and NGOs will benefit from hiring well trained graduates who help them to solve problems related to informal settlements and their energy management. Affected poor urban residents of informal settlements will benefit from pilot interventions and improve their quality of life. Results

Země AT
Organizace Podunajská univerzita Krems
V rámci projektu Center for Environmental Sensitivity
Rámec a program financování Erasmus+, KA2 - Capacity Building

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