The Master of Science in “Transition, Innovation and Sustainability Environments” is a newly designed European approach towards mastering transition processes in science-technology-society (STS) settings. The focus of TISE lies on sustainable and resilient business and industry processes and structures. A strong transdisciplinary approach (i.e. a method guided mutual learning processes between science and practice) is applied in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of relevant coupled human-nature-technology systems (respectively ‘human environment systems’), positive and negative unseen mechanisms and effects, including underlying obvious and hidden rebound effects (i.e. unseens), and interventions together with the available innovation potential. Therefore, a hierarchical system perspective is applied, which encompasses the individual agents, teams, organizations, networks, and clusters, regional but also national and supranational systems, and ultimately global implications. Building on a Complexity Science fundament the program presents an inter and cross-disciplinary view of Sociocultural Studies, Social Sciences, Economics and Design, but also integrating communities of practice and the tacit knowledge of practitioners in order to address “real-world” complex problems. The program promotes Transdiciplinarity as innovative approach towards the challenges encountered by social systems today.
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Podunajská univerzita Krems |
Oddělení managementu poznatků a komunikace |
www.donau-uni.ac.at |
Erasmus+, KA1 - Erasmus Mundus |